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Member's Reports

International Confederation of Principals (ICP) 2017 Capetown


George Palavestra provided the following notes from the ICP 2017 held in Capetown, South Africa. The notes focus on leadership insights especially system leadership and include comments from the Director General and Minister as well as ‘Radial Leadership’ from the Vice Chancellor of Johannesburg University.



International Confederation of Principals (ICP)


In 2015, a number of ACT Principals travelled to Finland to attend the International Confederation of Principals (ICP) Conference. Below are some of our member's reports.



Keynote Presentation – Pasi Sahlberg

Report by Michael Hall


Pasi started by asking the audience to contemplate the question “To which countries would we go to find out about the ‘next things to do’ in education if it was before the year 2000?” Most in the audience had the same response – America and/or England. Then PISA and TIMSS results were published for OECD countries and so, Finland became the country we all wanted to know about!




Compelling Leadership through building trust

Presenter: Dr Paul Browning

Report by George Palavestra


Dr Paul Browning discussed;

  • What is trust and how does this improve student outcomes?

  • What are the characteristics of building trust?

  • Using his rubric for assessing trust.




Professor Olive M. Mugenda, PhD, CBS

Vice Chancellor, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Report by Michael Battenally


Professor Mugenda described her journey leading Kenya’s largest university of over 70,000 students and the strategic vision she has implemented in the decade, 2005-2015.


The attached slide-deck of 135 slides tells a story of an amazing women who has taken a developing African nation’s major university down the road to significant transformation





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