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Links to national professional bodies

Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA)

'APPA brings together Government, Catholic and Independent primary school leaders who work with the highest levels of collegiality in the best interests of Australian primary education.

APPA represents over 7,600 primary principals and school leaders across Australia; 200,000 primary teachers; and 2.2 million primary students; all working and learning in primary schools from 24 jurisdictions across all three education sectors (Government, Catholic and Independent).’ From APPA

Australian Secondary Principals Association (ASPA)

'ASPA promotes the professional interests of secondary school leaders and the advancement of the school communities they lead. ASPA is the leading voice for secondary school education in Australia. ASPA works to influence and inform the national education debate on a range of issues.’ From ASPA

 Australian Government Primary Principals Association (AGPPA)

'The Australian Government Primary Principal Association (AGPPA) is the national body for Primary Principals at Government Schools.
AGPPA's focus is to provide a unified and authoritative voice to promote and advocate for Public Primary Principals and Schools.

AGPPA represents over 5,300 Primary School leaders from Government Schools across all States and Territories.’ From AGPPA

 Principals Australia Research Foundation (PARF)

'Principals Australia Research Foundation has been set up to support principal associations wishing to conduct school leadership research. The key aspect is that the research is in response to a need identified by a principal association and therefore is directed and owned by the association. The outcomes aim to provide current research and information that leads to school leaders becoming more effective in their leadership.’ From PARF

 Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL)

'AITSL believes that Australia has a high-quality education system in which teachers and leaders have the greatest impact on the educational growth and achievement of every learner. AITSL aims to promote excellence so that teachers and leaders have the maximum impact on learning in all Australian schools and early childhood settings.’ From AITSL

 ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI)

The ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI) is an independent statutory authority established by the ACT Teacher Quality Institute Act 2010  to build the professional standing of ACT teachers and to enhance the community’s confidence in the teaching profession through professional regulation and practical initiatives to raise teacher quality.

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